Aug. 8, 2007
Not much today, I've added new sprites for Lexer's Army, and a few for the Holiday Dinner ep. I've also removed
to dead sites from the affiliates, if you read this and want back one let my know.

July 26, 2007
I've modified the layout a bit, and deleted the old updates. I've also removed the tag board
(was not working) and the guestbook (no one used it). Updates should be occuringmore frequently soon, as we are working on
new eps including a crossover with HOTEC.
May 08, 2007
First update of the new year, it's been awhile since the last one hasn't it. I've changed the link to the Mech's
board to match their new one, and added another one of Snipe's fanfics to the site. This one is in a game format and contains
characters used as inspiration for Lexer's army.