The Team Inspecters
By: Snipe Anteater
*the hospital, Maverick Hunter HQ. Snipe Anteater is
in bed, while Anubis is as his side*
Snipe Anteater: Now, Anubis. Be sure Splash Warfly recieves all of my directions. He'll be in charge while I'm indisposed.
Anubis: Yeah yeah, whatever. *starts wandering around*
Snipe Anteater: You know, instead of being useless, you could hand me my DS. It's in my bag. The YELLOW one.
pulls out a PSP from Snipe's bag*
Snipe Anteater: Uh, Anubis... I asked for my DS, not your PSP.
Anubis: Well, the system's name has an "s" in it, plus it's much better...
Snipe Anteater: Well, one, I'm entiltled to my opinion, and two, did I ask for any game system with an "s" in it? Now put
that away and give me my DS.
*Anubis grumbles to himself, and takes out Snipe's DS*
Anubis: Here you go, you're majesty.
Snipe Anteater: Is it my DS?
Anubis: It's DS-ish, I suppose.
Snipe Anteater: Thank you, Anubis. Now, get me my phone book.
Anubis: Snipe, you're only going to be here for three days! Why do you need all of this stuff?
Snipe Anteater: Anubis, this is no joking matter, I'm going under surgery tomorrow.
Anubis: *with obvious sarcasm* Aw, is that mean Flame Sword still brurrowing itself through your skin? It is still making
it's way to the bone?
Snipe Anteater: It still hurts, if that's what you're getting at. *sigh* That's the last time I talk to Blazeman about updating.
Anubis: So, Warfly's in charge.
Snipe Anteater: Yes.
Anubis: Not me.
Snipe Anteater: We already went through this. Warfly is the most capable of all of you. He did the most work on the site,
for godsakes!
*Lifesaver comes in*
Lifesaver: Hello, Snipe. We'll being shortally. *looks at Anubis* Visitor
hours are over. Get out.
Anubis: Alright, good-bye. *doesn't move*
Lifesaver: What?
Snipe Anteater: Anubis...
Lifesaver: Please leave, sir.
Anubis: Not until you do.
Lifesaver: I'll get the head doctor, if I have to!
Anubis: Good. Make sure he can see into your brain and find out what's wrong with it.
Snipe Anteater: Anubis, d**nit! Leave already!
*Cinnimon walks in*
Cinnimon: Is there a problem?
Anubis: *becomes lovestruck* No, no problem at all. Just, passing through. *composes himself* Ahem. *points to Snipe* Flame
Sword in the knee. You'll find it halfway between his foot and his waist.
Snipe Anteater: Grrr...
Anubis: Annnnd I'm leaving. *in the hallway, Anubis rubs his hands together as he walks*
*back at Red Alert HQ*
Splash Warfly: Anubis, I highly doubt that he put you in charge.
Flame Hyenard: Of cource he did! I'm the best!
Splash Warfly: Yeah, that's funny, because he specfically said that I was in charge while he was indisposed.
Flame Hyenard: Oh. Uh, can I be second in command, then?
Splash Warfly: No. Now, we have to test our defense system, run a diagnostic on the main computer...
Flame Hyenard: We can't do all of that now! We have Conoel and Iris coming over for lunch!
Splash Warfly: Well, we'll just have to do it all before lunch, hm? *continues to mark off the check list*
Flame Hyenard: *inner thought* Finally, with that Anteater out of the way, I can run this base properly.
*Tornado Tonion
walks in*
Tornado Tonion: Oh, Anubis. I just got off the phone with Anteater. He said he wants you to put the defense bombs in their
proper places. And personally, I don't blame him.
Flame Hyenard: What do you mean?
Tornado Tonion: Well, from what I remember, he charged you with that job two weeks after last Monday, and Delvar is complaining
that she always has to trip over them.
Flame Hyenard: Not my problem.
Tornado Tonion: She's weak against explosions, Hyenard! How dare you insult and endanger a fellow team member like that!
Flame Hyenard: *grumbles to self and gets to work*
*Later in the day*
Soldier Stonekong: Thank goodness! Those things were starting to spook me.
Flame Hyenard: *grumbles as he trys to jam several bombs into a trapdoor in the ceiling*
Soldier Stonekong: Pardon?
Flame Hyenard: Whatever.
Soldier Stonekong: *shrugs and leaves*
*the phone rings*
Flame Hyenard: Warfly? Warfly?! TONION! *No response* Right! *drops what he's doing and goes to answer the phone* Hello? *It's
back to work*
Splash Warfly: *comes in* Hyenard, was that another tellemarketer?
Flame Hyenard: No.
Splash Warfly: I don't think Snipe approves of that attitude you've been displaying lately.
Flame Hyenard: Good for him.
Splash Warfly: I'm warning you, lad. Don't turn into a noob. You'll only get in trouble. *leaves*
Flame Hyenard: *under his breath* Teacher's pet.
*Later that day*
Flame Hyenard: *is still working on the defense trap* I told Warfly that this would take more than the morning alone!
Now Iris and Conoel cancled their appointment for some odd reason, and I'm stuck with this pain in the ass job.
Tonion walks in*
Tornado Tonion: You know, Hyenard. It would have been done a lot faster if you just focused on what you were doing and if
you were not squabling with us half the time.
Flame Hyenard: Says you. You don't know how hard this job is.
Tornado Tonion: Actually, it's the easiest job in the base.
Flame Hyenard: Argh! * the stool that Hyenard is standing on break a leg* I hate you all. *he tries to get back up while the
phone rings*
Tornado Tonion: I'll get it. *picks up the phone* Hello? Oh hi, Snipe!
Flame Hyenard: I'M DOING IT, I'M DOING IT!
Tornado Tonion: He's doing it. How's the leg?
Flame Hyeanrd: *indicating the stool* I WISH IT WAS THIS ONE! *continues working*
Tornado Tonion: Yeah everything's fine here. Hmm? Oh, I know. Uh-huh. Yes. Da. Si. Oh really? When are they coming? Mm-hmm.
Flame Hyenard: THERE! *gets down from the stool* Right! Tell Snipe that Delvar does not have to worry about triping over the
bombs anymore. It's up, it's ready, it's done, done, DONE! *rubs his hands in satisfaction*
Tornado Tonion: It's up. *the door flys open, and all of the bombs fall on Flame Hyenard, but they do not detonate* It's down
again. *turning to Hyenard* Snipe wants to know what you used to seal the trap door.
Flame Hyenard: *struggling underneath the pile of bombs* I used rubber bands and paper clips! Cheapest thing I could find
in this dump.
Tornado Tonion: *to the phone* Did you hear that? I'll take that as a "yes". Yes, I know simple products like metal bolts
and screwdrivers are not tied to the bases funds, but after he bought us all those stupid shirts slandering Overdrive Ostrich,
money's been kinda tight. Hmm? Oh, I know. Yes. Alright. Well, good luck with the surgery tomorrow. Alright, bye. *hangs up*
Flame Hyenard: Well, this is just perfect!
Tornado Tonion: Hyenard, this is a military base, not Bedlam. You've really been slacking on your performance lately, and
that could be bad news for us now that Snipe told me something very important.
Flame Hyenard: Important? From Anteater? *breaks out laughing* You crack me up, Tonion. Let me guess, Gate wears a cape. Am
I right?
Tornado Tonion: For your information, he told me that there are team inspecters in town. *leaves*
Flame Hyenard: *following Tonion* Whoa whoa wait. Team inpecters?
Tornado Tonion: What are you, a parrot? Yes, Snipe said that team inspecters have been all over town. They already interviewed
that Reploid Rebellion, so we're next on the list. I already told Warfly, so he'll handle it.
Flame Hyenard: d**n.
Tornado Tonion: I heard that. *door bell rings* Must be them. Now, don't try anything funny, alright?
Flame Hyenard: *crosses fingers* I swear it.
Tornado Tonion: If you screw this up, I can't be responsable for what I'm going to do to you.
Flame Hyenard: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
*Vanish Gungaroo walks over and opens the door*
Vanish Gungaroo: Hello, you must be- Wow! It can't be!
Splash Warfly: What is it Gungaroo? *walks, err, floats in* Holy crap! Axl? Red? You two are the inspecters?
Red: Yep. I've been bored after a while, so I asked a certain Gary Martin if I could have a job, so, here I am!
Axl: *is scribbling notes as Red talks*
Red: Now, who's the leader of this team?
Splash Warfly: Currentally indispo-
Flame Hyenard: *interrupting Warfly* Me.
Red: Hmm?
Flame Hyenard: I lead this team.
Tornado Tonion: *whispering to Gungaroo* We're dead.
Red: Well, let's see what kind of team you run here, Mr. Hyenard. Axl, be sure not to miss anything.
Axl: Yes sir! *continues scribbling*
Splash Warfly: *whipering to Tonion* Snipe will not be happy about this!
Tornado Tonion: *whispering to Warfly* I know, but Red actually believes the moron, so we'll have to play this out. Besides,
I think I have an idea.
Splash Warfly: *whispering* Care to share this idea?
Tornado Tonion: *whispering* You know what happens to a noob when he is blasted by Axl?
Splash Warfly: *whispering* Uh, no what?
Tornado Tonion: *whispering* The same thing that happens to anything else.
Splash Warfly: *whispering* Dude, that line sucks.
Tornado Tonion: *whispering* Never mind. We'll just play this out for now, and see how this develops.
Splash Warfly: *whispering* I hope you know what you're doing...
*After the inspection*
Red: Well, Mr. Hyenard, I am deeply disappointed in this team.
Flame Hyenard: What?! But I-
Red: Axl?
Axl: Yes, sir! *read from his notes* According to the inspection, there are several things wrong. There has been little activity,
small updates to compensate for monthly epilouges and other tidbits, half of the team is AWOL much of the time-
Flame Hyenard: Yeah, about that-
Axl: -You are missing a Snipe Anteater and have not announced it, the place is a mess, you as team leader have slandered other
members of the MMC-
Flame Hyenard: Uh...
Axl: -Your defense system is inadquate, not everyone has sprites in your epilouges, and their are two dead pigions in the
water tank.
Flame Hyenard: But otherwise, okay?
Red: Mr. Hyenard, if these conditions continue, we'll have to disband your team. Remedy these mistakes, and we'll reconsider.
We'll be back tomorrow to check on your progress. *Red and Axl leave*
Splash Warfly: Way to go, Anubis. You just nearly tarnished our record for life.
Flame Hyenard: Hey, Snipe didn't do any better than I did!
Ride Boarski: *strids in* Gee, maybe that's because he was trying to keep you in line? You haven't exactally been a
good representative of this team lately.
Flame Hyenard: You shut up! I'm better than all of you!
Tornado Tonion: *seething with rage* ...
Wind Crowang: *flies in* Hey guys, what's happen- whoa! Looks like Tonion is really mad about something. Did Hyenard screw
up again?
Splash Warfly: Alright, who says that Tonion should beat Anubis up right now? Aye.
Vanish Gungaroo: Sure.
Soldier Stonekong: Why not?
Ride Boarski: He did say he was going to do it.
Wind Crowang: Sounds fair.
Flame Hyenard: Uh, no. Not fair. I hate all of you. *gets severly pummled by Tornado Tonion*
*Maverick Hunter HQ hospital
the next day. Flame Hyenard wakes up in bed, while Snipe Anteater by his side*
Flame Hyenard: Ow. What happened?
Snipe Anteater: Let's see, you nearly got the team that I founded disbanded, you claimed a title that you don't have, and
you basically broke every law of ethics and got on Tonion's bad side, but otherwise, not much.
Flame Hyenard: Snipe? But I thought-
Snipe Anteater: Anubis, a day has already passed. I'm fine. And I'll be able to correct all of this.
Flame Hyenard: Oh, no you won't! *gets out of bed, and starts running for the door*
Lifesaver: *blocks his way* Get
back in bed, you lunatic!
Flame Hyenard: No! You can't make me! I've got to do something before it's too late!
Lifesaver: Don't make me use force...
Flame Hyenard: That's it! *fries Lifesaver*
Snipe Anteater: Wow. He really lost it this time. I'd better use the teleporter to beat him to HQ. I hope X doesn't mind...
at Red Alert HQ*
Flame Hyenard: *huff* *puff* Hey, Red! Don't start the inspection without me.
Red: Anubis, is it? If one replaces the u with two zeros, it would be a clear discription of your actions.
Flame Hyenard: What? What do you- *sees Snipe standing behind Red with the other members of the team* Oh, h-h-h-hi, Snipe...
Uh... *sweat drop*
Axl: *handcuffs Anubis, who puts up a struggle* Anubis, aka Flame Hyenard, you are under arrest for impersonating a team leader
and slandering other members of the MMC!
Anubis: What?! How?
Snipe Anteater: Red is a reasonable guy. I told him the whole story. And Anubis, your record is not favorable. I have no choice.
Snipe Anteater: Anubis, you are officially dead to me!
Anubis: No! *starts going insane* Heh heh heh, you're
dead, Snipe! I've got friends! This is a dead man I'm looking at!
Axl: My god, he's going maverick! I have to destory him!
Splash Warfly: Here, borrow my Splash Laser.
Axl: *accepts Warfly's gift* Thanks.
Anubis: YoU aLl ShAlL dIe! *battle ensues, and Axl is the victor*
Snipe Anteater: Wow, when I said dead, I meant dead to me! Maybe Axl overdid it.
Tornado Tonion: Nah, it's nice to have that noob off our hands.
Red: Well, Mr. Anteater, because of recent circumstances, I'm raising your grade to a B. So, try to be more active, alright?
Snipe Anteater: No promises, Red. But I will be posting a Help Wanted ad soon.
Red: Good to hear. You have yourselves a nice day. Gentlemen. *Red and Axl leave*
Wind Crowang: What an extraordinary few days!
Ride Boarski: I'll say, I didn't even see half of it.
Snipe Anteater: Well, enough gabbing out of us. Let's get to work. Crowang, fly up and take care of those pigions in the water
tank. Gungaroo, fix the defense trap. The rest, uh, let's just keep things ship-shape around here.
*everyone gets to
Tornado Tonion: *locks himself in his room and calls Axl* Hey, Axl. Thanks for helping us drive that noob insane and getting
rid of him.
Axl: No prob, but does Snipe know about this?
Tornado Tonion: Not really, but I don't intend to tell him. Now, for my part of the bargain. *sends Axl an e-mail*
Axl: Thanks, Tonion. *whistles* Wow, these new blasters a great! Hair trigger, feather touch, rapid fire with extra power,
plus the whole gun has a lemon-fresh seant!
Tornado Tonion: I knew you'd like it. Again, thank you. *closes the channle, and then makes another call* Hey, Pallet? It's
me, Tonion. Yeah, I got Axl's birthday presant to him just fine...