*outside Red Alert HQ*

Super Chaos: Well, well. A new team is forming up? Well, let's break it down before it ever forms! Go, my metools! *six metools
head for HQ*
*In Red Alert HQ*

Snipe Anteater: Now, I have to get this just right. Is the camera rolling?

Tornado Tonion: Ready when you are, bro.

Snipe Anteater: *ahem* Welcome to Red Alert's Military, the one and only Megaman X7 te- *ding dong* Augh. I'll get it.
Anteater opens the door to see metools disguised as girl scouts*

Snipe Anteater: Oh, the girl scouts. Yeah, I can go for some cookies. Do you have those soft Oreos? *metools hand Snipe Anteater
the box* Wait a sec. This box is ticking! And the girl scouts wear their badges right to left, not left to right! You're very
lucky I'm in the middle of an important monolouge right now. Scram! *throws box of cookies at metools and closes the door*

Snipe Anteater: Now, where was I- *ding dong* WHAT? *opens the door, sees metools dressed in holiday attire* Cute, but NO!
*slams door*
*Ding dong*

Snipe Anteater opens the door. He sees the metools dressed as Jehova's witnesses*

Snipe Anteater: No thanks, I'm perfectally fine with my religion. *closes door*
*Ding Dong*

Snipe Anteater opens the door. This time, the metools are dresses as Goombas*

Snipe Anteater: Not touching that one. *closes door*
*Ding dong*

Snipe Anteater opens door yet again. Sees the six metools, no disguises*

Snipe Anteater: Now you guys just stopped trying. *closes door*
*Ding dong*
*Snipe Anteater opens the door,
and sees the Sinister 6*

Gary: *Ahem* Hi, is this the residence of Snipe Ant-

Snipe Anteater: STUPID METOOLS! *uses Sniper Missile on the whole Sinister 6* AND STAY OUT! *slams door, and opens it again*
STUPID! *slams door*

Britt: Ow... What's his problem?

Katto: I don't know. He's usually not like this.

Ben: Well, let's give it one more shot.
*back in HQ*

Snipe Anteater: Let's just start over. *Ahem* Welcome to Red Alert's Military, the one and only Megaman X7- *ding dong* FOR
THE LOVE OF CRAP! *opens door* LISTEN, YOU LOUSY METOOLS, IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED, I- Oh, it's the Sinister Six. *sweat
drop* My bad.

Katto: We forgive you.

Ben: We do? *Katto elbows Ben* Um, yeah, we do.

Snipe Anteater: Well, come in. Make yourselves at home. This is my brother, Tornado Tonion.

Tornado Tonion: Hey there. *gets into political discusion with Ben*

Snipe Anteater: Hey, Erik, Katto, Odin.

Odin: Humph!

Snipe Anteater: What's his problem?

Katto: Oh, he just doesn't like your stand-up thread and thinks you're a clueless n00b.

Snipe Anteater: I see. *ding dong* Tonion! Could you get that?

Tornado Tonion gets the door. It's the other teams*

Snipe Anteater: Aw. This isn't just a welcome party for me, is it?

Gauntlet: Well, that and something else.

Snipe Anteater: Oh, Gary leaving and all?
Hardman: Yeah, but since we were lazy doinks, we decided to tie it in with
your welcome party.

Gary: That's sweet.

Shadowstrike: Yeah, a party and a funneral at the same time.

Beowolf: Come on. I know Snipe Anteater. He'll make a good addition to the community.

Odin: Yeah, and maybe metools will start doing the tango in my bathtub.

Spark Chan: Don't knock him until he shows what he can do.

Snipe Anteater: Yeah, Odin, don't write me off so quickly.

Hardman: Ladies and gentlemen! I would like to propose a toast. To Snipe Anteater, and to Gary! One who is joining us and
one who is leaving us!

Katto: Here here! *Super Chaos bursts in*

Super Chaos: Well, if the metools didn't work, then I guess I'll wipe you out now!

Snipe Anteater: Hah, you won't be any match for us, has-been! Red Alert's Military, attack! *Snipe Anteater and Tornado Tonion
attack Super Chaos*

Gauntlet: Wait, that's it? You and your brother are the whole team?

Snipe Anteater: Cut me some slack, Gauntlet! I haven't got the site up yet, so it didn't really make sence to recirut members.

Gary: Shakey start, huh? Well, no time to waste! Sinister Six, Reunite!

Gauntlet: You guys know what I'm going to say, right?

Machanical Maniacs: Yes. *start attacking Super Chaos*

Gauntlet: Thought so. *joins the attack*

Super Chaos: Wait! This is not fair! I'm just one villian! *gets the crap beaten out of him*

Gary: I wanted to do this for so long... *strikes a death-dealing blow to Super Chaos with his hammer* Bop!

Super Chaos: No! After all of these years, why now? *Insert cool Robot Master Explosion here*

Gary: What a cool going away present! I got to defeat Super Chaos at last.

Gauntlet: Well, here's to a new team coming in, and an old team going out.
*big party, Sinister Six ride off into the

Tornado Tonion: Will we ever see them again?

Snipe Anteater: Maybe... *gets bopped from behind*

Gary: Bop!

Snipe Anteater: Wha-? Gary? But you just-

Gary: Oh, that? Shadow Man and Gemini Man clones! You were pranked by the master!

Katto: We all had you fooled, didn't we?

Snipe Anteater: Gauntlet, you were in on this, too?

Gauntlet: Now that... is a-

Snipe Anteater: Don't give me that "Now that... is a secret" bull crap.

Ben: Well, he was in on it as well. He just won't admit it.

Britt: And I don't think we saw the last of Super Chaos.

Snipe Anteater: You, will write in a plot device, won't you? With Super Chaos coming back and all, I mean.

Gary: Of cource. You know me. I just felt like a lazy doink when I said that the S6 was leaving. I'm a kidder, really.

Gauntlet: Well, while we are not seeing an old team go, we should make sure this new team feels welcome, right?

Gary: Of cource! After a few more bops. *bops Tornado Tonion* Bop!

Tornado Tonion: Ow, get off me, midget!
Gary: Bop!

Snipe Anteater: Well, that concludes our epilouge. I'll be making more soon enough, (when I'm not feeling lazy) so, farewell,
from us at Red Alert's Military!