Narrator: Last time on "A Crowrang has Arrived!"...
Crowrang: You guys go on ahead... I'd rather go on ahead and check this place out, check my room, what not...(Runs around
the corner and pulls at face to reveal its a mask!)
?: Ha, little do those fools realize that
I am coming to destroy them. I'm coming for you Red Alert!
Narrator: Who is this man? Where is the real Greyring? Find out by continuing to read the story!
(??? puts back on
his mask.)
Crowrang: Hey guys! So, wheres the pizza?
Gungaroo: I ate it.
Snipe: You guys heard the alarm. Red Alert... MOVE OUT!
(Over in the city, a few other Megaman team members are fighting
a giant robot...)
Gary: Ah! Darn it! This thing is too tough for us to take!
Toad Girl: We can't give up! Keep hitting it!
Starnik: Holy crap! Look out!
(Stranik's call is too late! The giant Robot hits Kendouman EXE and takes him out!)
Nightmare: Well, this is just perfect! We're getting our butts whupped! Now what?
Snipe: Now we come in and help you guys out!
Starnik: Finally! Where were you guys?!
Gungaroo: The new guy Greyring here slowed us down here for a smoothie!
Crowrang: Hey! I was hungry cause you ate the pizza!
Gungaroo: Well you deserved it for being such a jerk!
Gary: Um guys, have you forgotten about the robot. While you were arguing, it took down Toad Girl and now its coming
for us!
Tonion: Look out!
Snipe: AH CRAP!
(The robot takes out Snipe Anteater)
Nightmare: Nothing seems to stop this thing!
Hyernard: Let me give it a shot!
(Hyernard throws a fireball at the robot. The robot simply freezes him.)
Gary: Everything we hit it with, it counters!
Starnik: Look out! Again!
(Once more, Starnik for such a speedy character is too late again and the robot finishes
Nightmare: Wait, a minute. I've heard of you before Greyring. You tried to join a team... BUT you said you had hated smoothies!
looks at Crowrang.)
Crowrang: Alright, fine. You got me... I am not actually Greyring. He is cureently, "tied up at the moment."
(In a
ladies room at the local amusement park...)
Greyring: Blast it! These are tying me up and attacking me! Ladies please! I was just trying to get the shiny ball that was
attached to... the green... string... AH CRAP! I can't believe I fell for a trick like that! I should have gotten Jerry to
untie the string for me!
Jerry: It serves you right.
Greyring: Hey shut up. You shouldn't talk! The Tom and Jerry's where you two could talk sucked!
(Back in the city)
Gary: So who are you? And hurry up with it! The robot's gotten everyone except for me, Splash, and Nightmare!
Nightmare: Notinthefacenotinthefacenotinthe-AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Gary: Never mind, its just me and Splash.
Crowrang: Fine. I'll talk. I actually am...(takes off disguise)
Splash: Gasp! It can't be!
Gary: B-bu-but it is!
Axl: Thats right! Its me, huh? Oh sorry! I was impersonating Axl before! Sorry!(Takes off second disguise to reveal...)
Calorn: I am Calorn!
Splash:... who the heck is Calorn? You ever hear of him Gary? Gary? No! The robot got him too!
(The robot lowers a
proton cannon right in Splash's face)
Narrator: is the end of the team? Who in the heck is Calorn? Why is Greyring hanging out with Jerry from Tom and Jerry? Find
out next time!