Written by: Wind Crowrang
Snipe: Good God! I'm sick and tired of waiting for this new guy to show up!
Tonion: Well, hey he does have to go through that land mine next door to get here!
(Door bell rings)
Splash: I believe thats him! Trust me guys, he's great.
Snipe: (Goes over to the door) He better be.(Opens door)
Greyring: Hey, Can I have a stick of gum?(Snipe slams door in Greyring's face.)
Snipe: Nope wasn't him.
Greyring: Hey! I was just joking its me! Greyring!
Gungaroo: (opens door this time) Well nice to have you on the team. Just go-
Greyring: Down the hall to the right. I got it. I've read your epilogues before genius.
Gungaroo: A smart alec huh? Well we'll see how tough you are in battle later!
Greyring: Sure!(Goes down hall)
Gungaroo: I don't like him so far.
Snipe: I don't know. He seems pretty good.
Crowrang: Alright I'm back! What do you think?
Splash: Nice.
Hyenard: Alright! Time to head down to the training room!
(In the training room...)
Tonion: Alright! Lets get ready to fight!
Gungaroo: Take this!(Gungaroo throws Crowrang a punch but misses.)
Crowrang: Hello? I think you forgot two things. One, I can fly. Two, I hold your weakness.
Gungaroo: Thats why I came prepared!(Gungaroo busts out a giant mech and thrashes Crowrang.)
Gungaroo: Yeah! I win! Now why don't you apologize for before?
Crowrang: Sorry, I can't.
Hyenard: Why not?
Crowrang: Because being a mean badass is in my personality remember?
Snipe: Oh yeah, sorry. I was sleeping when I was supposed to tell you guys!
Splash: Ah screw it, lets all just go eat.
Crowrang: You guys go on ahead... I'd rather go on ahead and check this place out, check my room, what not...(Runs around
the corner and pulls at face to reveal its a mask!)
???: Ha, little do those fools realize that I am coming to destroy them. I'm coming for you Red Alert!
Narrator: What will happen to Red Alert? Will Wind Crowrang gain the team's respect? Why am I asking so many questions?
Find out next time!