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Quint X:

Supposedaly Quint in the future, Quint X is determind to prove that he is the actual Megaman X. To do that, what does he do? Go after Red Alert! (I swear, the guy can't get his facts strieght! We are not mavericks anymore!) He acts like he's a big kahoona, all intellegent and everything, but deep down, he's an utter moron and a pompous bastard.


Quint X's Sakugarne (also known as Sakugarne X), Jobin actually is smart, unlike his master. He's not truely evil, he just hates everyone, including Quint X. He swears that one day, he'll take over the world and kill everyone, slowly. Though the point of taking over the world just to kill everyone in it is beyond anyone's guess, but we at Red Alert just think that he's psycotic.

Lexer is the older brother of Axl. After a bug was discovered in his system, the secret organization that built him deactivated him and built Axl off of his plans. It is unknown how he was reactivated, but many believe he had a backup of his mind wiating to reactivate after a set period of time (speculated to have been 1-3 years). He is bent on destroying his "brother" and those who deatcivated him.

In his quest to kill them he came across a database of all past teams. He learned of a robot who could change personallities and plans for a divice that would let this power be used on others. The database also contianed info on the location of this robot.

It seemed that the robot, Searchman, had escaped into the future and joined a team called "Red Alert". Before he attacked them he created an army of his own (more info on them in their bio's). He then sent them to attack the RAHQ. Havig captured Searchman, now khown as Splash Warfly, he drained the Searchman power and put it into the machine. He is curently platting his attack on Axl and the rest od the Maverick hunters.
Drain Mongoose:

One of Lexer's soldiers, Drain Mongoose is a reancarnation of Set Moon's Drainman. He has been upgraded to shoot the energy he absorbs back at his opponant as offensive energy.

Drain Mongoose refers to himself in the third person most of the time, and has an overbearing, pompous personality. He is overconfident, which is why he doesn't have a lot of armour.

Weapon: Feedback Cannon

Weakness: Clutch Chain

Scout Siafu:

Revived from the data of Set Moon's Scoutman, Scout Siafu has gone under some upgrades of his own. Each of his troops are connected through a wireless link that leads back to him. He is a master of scouting out areas.

Though he seems like a tough drill seargent, he is a coward deep down. If anyone in his troop reviel this secret, however, that soldier is as good as dead.

Weapon: Scout Web

Weakness: Insanity Wrap

Fear Spectre:

A revival of Spectreman's data, Fear Spectre has been personally planning for his awakening. His extention of the Fear Cannon throws all targets around him into a state of panic.

When he's not fighting, he spends his time alone, studying reincarnation. His desiers to make Kalinka his queen have not wavered, and he will do anything to achieve his goal, even if he has to kill Lexer eventually to do it.

Weapon: Insanity Wrap

Weakness: Sumersault Kick

Firework Scarib:

The heavy weapons expert of Lexer's army, Firework Scarib was reactivated from Fireworkman's data, and has been called back into duty. His trigger-happy ways have not left him, but his upgrade compensates for that. Now, instead of firing every which way, his cluster of fireworks homes in on the enemy.

To this day, Lexer considers reactivating Firework Scarib a big mistake. If just one thing sets Firework Scarib off, he sends fireworks everywhere, and the army is forced to relocate. These days, under Lexer's threat to turn him into scrap, he has been behaving himself.

Weapon: Celebration Seeker

Weakness: Feedback Cannon
Paste Squirell
Weapon: Sticky Shot
Weapon description: similar to Aquaman's water balloon, but he shoots a mass of glue instead of water.
Weakness: Celebration seeker
Personality: Old and wise, and has a habit of giving advice at the wrong times, which is why most people don't usually accept it.

Flip Ferret
Weapon: Somursault Kick
Weapon Description: Basically he just does a back flip and kicks the enemy.
Weakness: Sticky shot
Personality: Young, loyal and enthusiastic, he's very willing to carry out the orders of his superiors.

Fist Minotaur
Weapon: Cluch Chain
Weapon description: Basically he just extends his arm and punches the enemy.
Weakness: Deception mask
Personality: Headstrong and trigger happy. He tends to punch first and ask questions later.

Disguise Chimp
Weapon: Deception mask
Weapon description: Puts on a mask which turns him into one of Mega Man's allies. Mega man cannot harm Disguise Chimp while he's cloaked (but Disguise Chimp can harm Mega man) until time runs out or if Megaman crashes into him.
Weakness: Scout Web
Personality: Very popular, and is the life of the party, impressing others with his jokes and his disguises.
Bio: Calorn is a member of the crappy-named, powerful team "Checked Out!". He is one of the stronger characters and fights with a giant robot, but quite often underestimates his opponents, therefore making him an easy opponent by himself. Calorn is also stubborn and a master of disguise.

Bio: Fooshan is a ninja type robot whom is probably the most intelligent member of Checked Out!. Perhap he is even smarter then he lets on...
Fooshan pretty much does what he wants, when he wants and doesn't truely care about anyone, even his own team. He also so rarely fights that not even his team knows just how good he is...

Tool Stingray:
Bio: Tool is the leader of Checked Out! He is intelligent and a master mechanic. He produces tools from his body and while he may be smart, his only real flaw is he can't even take a guess as to what's going to happen next so he has to rely on his team to come up with the plans and stay by his side.

Bio: Beetlechan is a true tomboy at heart and is a girl who enjoys rollar coasters, monster trucks, hardcore rock bands, etc. She is a high class member of Checked Out! and despises boys beyond reason.

Bio: Stookle, a girl(yes, she's a girl) who, well, really hates fighting and just wants peace on Earth only. She joined Checked Out! when she was an orphan since Stingray adopted her and is his step-daughter. Although she doesn't like it, she can possibly one of the strongest members of Checked Out!, but she prefers her feminine side rather and dreams about boys all day long. Beetlechan's opposite and yet Beetle's best friend somehow...

Bio: All he can say is "dude" and "man" so he was named Dudeman. No one knows his personality for this reason and he is also the weakest member of Checked Out! since his powers are to make people high, so he is for the most part ignored.

Trap Tomcat:
Bio: When Tom had heard that Jerry was helping out Red Alert, he felt the need to fight back against them and so he Checked Out!

Jimi Hendrix:
Bio: He's Jimi Hendrix. If you don't know who he is then here's a basic layout.
-one of the greatest rock stars ever
-famous for remaking the star spangled banner in a rock version
-died of drugs
-helps out Checked Out! simply for Dudeman's "powers"
There ya go, Jimi Hendrix.

The one and only MMX7 team

Megaman X MMX7 and all related material property of Capcom. All other material belongs to Red Alert or another team.