
Flame Hynard's bio
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Reploid name:Flame hyenard
real name:Shift
Weapon:circle blaze
weakness:Splash laser/Suiretusen
Likes:Anime, fire, manga, videogames, old english insults, taco's, dr. pepper, video game music, and winter.
dislikes:rap, wiggers, and racist's.
Qoute: "Zoom zoom butterscotch, orange crouton's!"
some fact's about me:
when i'm bored i get a sudden urge to shout "BACON!".
I tend to forget about things.
I can sometimes be lazy.
My favorite food is crispy taco's.
I'm a general grievous fan
Besides the megaman series, i like the ratchet and clank series.
I am a insomniac.
I obsessivly like dr. pepper and can drink a 24 pack in a day.
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